Wednesday, June 25, 2014


     I like photography because it's a way to express your interests, experiences, and your lifestyle. Also photography lets someone capture a moment and to share with others. I think a good photographer is someone who can not only capture a beautiful picture but I think it should also portray a meaning. A bad photographer can take a picture but it has no real relevance to anything. Although my photography experience is limited I do enjoy just experimenting with different types of shots and different objects to shoot. I usually just edit pictures on my iphone but I would love to start trying to use adobe Photoshop.I like to shoot surf photography and things out in nature. Honestly, I like any photography. I would like to learn how to shoot with extremely low shutter speed so I can take long exposure pictures. I am right brained. This means I like to be creative and I have a big imagination. I think the pictures I take say that I love the ocean, I love sports, and I love nature. Some of my favorite photographers are Zak Noyle, Clark Little, and Peter Lik. As a photographer, one thing you should know about me is that I enjoy taking pictures.

 Clark Little

Peter Lik
Zak Noyle